DiPText-KC Officially Recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre

DiPText-KC Officially Recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre

Today DiPText-KC – CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital and Public Textual Scholarship was officially recognized as a CLARIN Knowledge Centre until 12 October 2024.
DiPText-KC is one of the CLARIN Centres established under the aegis of CLARIN-IT (Italian Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), the Italian node of CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), a digital infrastructure which offers data, tools and services to support research based on language resources and which has been classified by ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) as a Landmark Research Infrastucture for the Scientific Community of Social Sciences and Humanities (ESFRI Landmarks SSH RI).
As part of the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure, DiPText-KC offers expertise on methods, data, instruments and technologies relevant in the fields of Philological and Literary Studies, History, Art History and Cultural Heritage.
DiPText-KC operates as a distributed virtual centre constituted by two partners: VeDPH (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Department of Humanities – Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities) and CNR-ILC (National Research Council of Italy – Institute for Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli”), which participates in DiPText-KC through CoPhiLab (Collaborative and Cooperative Philology Lab).