CoPhiLab members are actively committed in various training activities: seminars, workshops, lessons in training and Summer schools, contributions to conferences, meetings and marathons in the field of Digital Humanities and interventions in events for the general public.
Graphemic and Phonemic Analysis
Type: Lesson held as part of the Training School 2023 on the Processing of Allographic Texts
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 13/12/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
Transcoding and Transliteration
Type: Lesson held as part of the Training School 2023 on the Processing of Allographic Texts
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 11/12/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
String Manipulation
Type: Lesson held as part of the Training School 2023 on the Processing of Allographic Texts
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 07/12/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
The Semantics of the Written Page
Type: Contribution to the Workshop “The description of cultural heritage in the digital paradigm: tools, methods and challenges”
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 26/10/2023
Author: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: UniVE-SLCC
Patronage: DiPText-KC, AIUCD and Net7
All Contributions
Processing of XML Documents
Type: Lessons held as part of the Training School 2023 on Digital Text Processing
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 19-20/10/2023
Trainer: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | DiPText-KC)
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
Italy and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages
Type: Talk held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2023 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 29/09/2023
Holder: Cosimo Burgassi (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the talk was focused on the constant intersection of the level of the encyclopedia of the world and the level of language in the Medieval Mediterranean, characterized by the establishment, transformation and interaction of the Latin Christian West and the Byzantine Empire and Islam.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Computational Linguistics and Digital Philology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2023 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 29/09/2023
Holders: Laboratory of Alessio Miaschi (CNR-ILC ItaliaNLP Lab) and Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the laboratory was focused on the reconstruction of a writer’s style and on the automatic analysis of the contents of a text made possible by Computational Linguistics, on technologies to evaluate the level of accessibility of the text and write quality texts, on the potential of Artificial Intelligence in automatically detect the most relevant contents and organize them in a knowledge graph for an in-depth and rapid understanding of texts, on tools for collaborating on the digitization and annotation of texts, as well as on interaction with machines expert in linguistic and stylistic analysis.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Matters of Pronunciation
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2023 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 29/09/2023
Holder: Claudia Soria (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the seminar was focused on linguistic discrimination in school contexts, a very important and still little-known topic in Italy addressed in the Erasmus+ project CIRCE ▪ Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Python-Based Processing of Plain Text Documents
Type: Lessons held as part of the Training School 2023 on Digital Text Processing
Venue: Venezia
Dates: 21-22/09/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH | DiPText-KC)
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
Semi-automatic Transcription with e-Scriptorium
Type: Training Activities for Students held as part of the Initiative Latin Language of Science
Venue: Cuneo
Date: 19/01/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: State Classical and Scientific High School “Pellico-Peano” of Cuneo and UniMI
Patronage: UniMI, AIUCD, CLARIN, CLARIN-IT and DiPText-KC
Text Annotation with Euporia
Type: Training Activities for Students held as part of the Initiative Latin Language of Science
Venue: Cuneo
Date: 12/01/2023
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: State Classical and Scientific High School “Pellico-Peano” of Cuneo and UniMI
Patronage: UniMI, AIUCD, CLARIN, CLARIN-IT and DiPText-KC
Linguistic Annotation with IT Tools
Type: Updating Activities for Teachers held as part of the Initiative Latin Language of Science
Venue: Cuneo
Period: 22/11/2022
Trainer: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: State Classical and Scientific High School “Pellico-Peano” of Cuneo and UniMI
Patronage: UniMI, AIUCD, CLARIN, CLARIN-IT and DiPText-KC
On Some Linguistic-philological Projects of VeDPH and DiPText-KC
Type: Contribution to DH.22 – Digital Humanities 2022
Venue: L’Aquila and Online
Date: 27/10/2022
Authors: Agnese Macchiarelli (UniVE-DSU VeDPH) and Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH)
Organization: UniAQ-DSU
The Lions of the Venice Arsenale: a Cyber-archaeological Approach
Type: Contribution to Maratona DH – Eccellenza in Testa
Venue: Udine and Online
Date: 14/10/2022
Authors: Maurizio Forte (Duke University), Nevio Danelon (Duke University), Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH), Elisa Corrò (UniVE-DSU), Luca Ticini (Webster Vienna Private University) and Alexander Kafkas (University of Manchester)
Organization: UniBG, UniMORE, UniUD, UniVE and UniVR
Patronage: AIUCD
DH Projects hosted by ILC4CLARIN
Type: Contribution to Maratona DH – Eccellenza in Testa
Venue: Venezia and Online
Date: 13/10/2022
Author: Riccardo Del Gratta (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | CLARIN-IT | ILC4CLARIN)
Organization: UniBG, UniMORE, UniUD, UniVE and UniVR
Patronage: AIUCD
Musisque Deoque
Type: Contribution to Maratona DH – Eccellenza in Testa
Venue: Venezia and Online
Date: 13/10/2022
Authors: Martina Venuti (UniVE-DSU) and Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH)
Organization: UniBG, UniMORE, UniUD, UniVE and UniVR
Patronage: AIUCD
Those who can not read their handwriting…
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2022 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 30/09/2022
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the seminar was focused on OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition), two techniques necessary to extract words from the digital image of a printed or handwritten page.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Annotating Empathy in Texts
Type: Lecture at the Multi3Generation 2022 Training School on Creative Natural Language Generation
Venue: Venezia
Date: 22/09/2022
Lecturers: Ioannis Pavlopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business) and Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH)
Description: in the first part Pavlopoulos illustrated some techniques to annotate sentiment and emotions in literary texts; in the second part Boschetti illustrated how to create and use Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) to annotate literary texts; in the third part Pavlopoulos and Boschetti invited students to annotate empathic expressions in two different translations of Iliad 2.211-277 (Thersites’ episod) by comparing them through a Domain-Specific Language called EmpathyDSL, created for this task.
Organization: CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU-VeDPH in collaboration with Université de Franche-Comté and University of Helsinki
Support: Multi3Generation COST Action (CA18231)
Patronage: CLARIN-IT and DiPText-KC
A Compass to Navigate the Digital Seas: the Role of a CLARIN K-Centre for the Needs of Scholars
Type: Meeting held as part of Digital Spritz 2022
Venue: Verona
Date: 13/07/2022
Speakers: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH | DipText-KC) and Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH | DipText-KC)
Organization: UniVR-DLLS
The Remains of the Text – Natural Language Processing
Type: Session of the Venice Summer School in Digital and Public Humanities 2022
Venue: Venezia
Date: 12/07/2022
Teachers: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH), Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab | UniVE-DSU VeDPH), Agnese Macchiarelli (UniVE-DSU), Federico Tanozzi (UniVE-DSU) and Jessica Puliero (UniVE-DSU)
Description: the first part was devoted to a linguistic study of Italian, Latin and Greek astronomical texts both in prose and in verses to teach students how to perform morphosyntactic analysis by applying computational linguistics methods and instruments; the second part consisted of a “hands-on” session in which students worked on the Musisque Deoque Platform for the intertextual analysis of Latin poems on astronomy and nature.
Organization: UniVE-DSU and UniVE-DSU VeDPH
Patronage: CLARIN, CLARIN-IT and DiPText-KC
Digitization of Written Sources
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2022
Venue: Pisa + Online (due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Date: 08/06/2022
Teacher: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the theoretical part of the lesson was aimed at introducing methods, technics and open source tools for the pre-processing, acquisition through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) and post-processing of text extracted from the images contained in different kinds of document sources (manuscripts, printed editions, maps etc.); the practical part of the lesson was aimed at providing the skills required to manage the workflow for the acquisition of textual samples from different kinds of documents.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT

The Coding of M. Jourdain, Who did not Know he was Speaking in Prose
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2021 – The European Night of Researchersin Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Online
Date: 24/09/2021
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the seminar was focused on formal languages in order to bring students closer to coding and the creation of specific languages to tackle their school tasks and stimulate their imagination.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Video Recording
Digitization of Documents
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2021
Venue: Online (due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Date: 03/06/2021
Teacher: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the theoretical part of the lesson was aimed at introducing methods, technics and open source tools for the pre-processing, acquisition through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) and post-processing of text extracted from the images contained in different kinds of document sources (manuscripts, printed editions, maps etc.); the practical part of the lesson was aimed at providing the skills required to manage the workflow for the acquisition of textual samples from different kinds of documents.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT
Querying Annotated Texts and Processing Data
Type: Contribution to the EUPORIA Workshop for PhD Students
Venue: Online
Date: 13/05/2021
Holders: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Luigi Bambaci (UniBO)
Uploading Text and DSL on the EUPORIA Web Platform
Type: Contribution to the EUPORIA Workshop for PhD Students
Venue: Online
Date: 06/05/2021
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Creating or Extending the DSL to Respond to the Research Hypothesis
Type: Contribution to the EUPORIA Workshop for PhD Students
Venue: Online
Date: 29/04/2021
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Preparing the XML-TEI Text for EUPORIA
Type: Contribution to the EUPORIA Workshop for PhD Students
Venue: Online
Date: 22/04/2021
Holders: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Luigi Bambaci (UniBO)
Defining the Research Hypothesis and Outlining the Method
Type: Contribution to the EUPORIA Workshop for PhD Students
Venue: Online
Date: 15/04/2021
Holders: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Tiziana Mancinelli (UniBO)
How to Leverage DomainDriven Design to Foster Digital Scholarly Editing and DSL
Type: Webinar of the EUPORIA 2021 Cycle on Annotation of Literary and Documentary Texts through Domain-Specific Languages
Venue: Online
Date: 15/03/2021
Holder: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the field of digital scholarly editing is deemed to be particularly challenging from a software engineering point of view; indeed, after decades of research activities, computational philology still lacks effective tools and efficient procedures organized in common interfaces, decoupled application services and domain-specific commodities; as a matter of fact, there is neither convergence on how to model software applications to meet philological requirements nor traditional philologists fully satisfied with the current digital solutions; by adopting the Domain Driven Design approach, we start our modeling activities by defining the problem space of our domain which, in turn, is broken into small components (called sub-domains) to progressively refine the ongoing digital models; in this way, together with the experts, we are able to identify the main capabilities of the field we want to model and strive to design coherent domain-specific solutions for such capabilities (bounded contexts).
Contribution: organized as a contribution to CLARIN
Video Recording
DomainSpecific Languages as the key for Cartesian Documents
Type: Webinar of the EUPORIA 2021 Cycle on Annotation of Literary and Documentary Texts through Domain-Specific Languages
Venue: Online
Date: 15/03/2021
Holders: Francesco Sarnari (CNR-IBF) and Riccardo Del Gratta (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: we try to sketch a formal definition of digital textual documents; digital documents are defined as objects consisting of three components: content, i. e. text, format, i.e. how the content is arranged in the document, and para-textual layers, i.e. notes, glosses, etc.; the separability of these components is a crucial aspect to determine similarities and dependencies among documents.
Contribution: organized as a contribution to CLARIN
Video Recording
Two-days Workshop on Git/GitHub
Type: Workshop
Venue: Online
Date: 26-27/11/2020
Holder: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the workshop covers the basic functionalities of the Git software and the GitHub platform through two morning sessions devoted to the presentation of Git topics/features (theory and practice) and two afternoon sessions devoted to hands-on exercises (aimed at developing a dynamic and collaborative digital scholarly edition).
Organization: UNIVE-DSU VeDPH and CNR-ILC

Footnotes and text: tending the garden of forking paths
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT-NIGHT 2020 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Online
Date: 22/11/2020
Holders: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Luigi Bambaci (UniBO)
Description: the seminar showed how footnotes in editions of ancient books allow us to go through a whole labyrinth of texts.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Video Recording
From Recensio to Digital Emendatio. Theory, Methods and Applications of Digital Philology
Type: Seminar held as part of the Seminar Cycle on Digital Humanities ‘Information Technology Applied to Philological and Book Sciences’
Venue: Online
Date: 17/06/2020
Holder: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Organization: Higher Education School in History and Philology of Manuscripts and Ancient Books “Alberto Varvaro”
Video Recording 1 | Video Recording 2
Version Control System
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2019
Venue: Pisa
Date: 14/06/2019
Teacher: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: this lesson was aimed at providing an overview of the functioning of ‘git’, an open source system with a distributed architecture among the most used for the development of large collaborative projects on VCS (Version Control System); in the first part, the general model and design principles underlying the versioning environment of electronic resources (state of resources, workflow, local environment, remote environment etc.) were introduced; in the second part, the ‘github’ platform, one of the most common hosts for the remote and collaborative management of ‘git’ repositories, was introduced, and afterwards it was shown both how to create a ‘github’ account and how to manage a simple collaborative project of text encoding.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT
Acquisition of Digital Resources through OCR
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2018
Venue: Pisa
Date: 29/06/2018
Teacher: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: this lesson was aimed at introducing techniques for extracting text from digital images through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition); during the laboratory activities, the workflow – from image pre-processing (through OCR on images of printed editions or ICR on manuscripts) to text post-processing (to improve the accuracy of automatic recognition and collaborative manual corrections on the Web) – was explained and tested.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT
Collaborative Annotations of Historical Texts
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2017
Venue: Pisa
Date: 16/06/2017
Teachers: Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Matteo Abrate (CNR-IIT)
Description: this lesson was aimed at introducing an approach to text annotation that takes advantage of the Semantic Web and its technologies; the textual resources presented were characterized by a strong interconnection with external resources, effectively favoring the construction and querying of a single global database, shared and formally described; specifically, it was shown how to write annotations in RDF (Resource Description Framework) using some annotation tools available in the Internet.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT
Collaborative Proofreading of Digital Assets Captured Using OCR
Type: Lesson at the Summer School ‘Digital Tools for Humanists’ 2017
Venue: Pisa
Date: 13/06/2017
Teacher: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: this lesson, limited to the acquisition of the printed text, was aimed at illustrating the digitization process through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in its various phases: in the first part, the treatment of digital images of text pages was presented; in the second part, the functioning of some non-commercial OCR software tools was shown; in the third part, the use of online platforms for collaborative OCR correction was illustrated.
Organization: AIUCD in collaboration with UniPI-LABCD, UniPI-Uma and CNR-ILC
Endorsement: CLARIN-IT

The Factory of Ancient Words. Latin and Greek in the Times of the Internet
Type: Seminar held as part of BRIGHT 2015 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 25/09/2015
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the seminar illustrated some Web services of linguistic analysis of Latin designed for the interaction between machines and showed how to make the semantic network of Ancient Greek grown thanks to the involvement of students and scholars.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area

Imperfect Correspondences
Type: Booth at BRIGHT 2014 – The European Night of Researchers in Pisa and Tuscany
Venue: Pisa
Date: 26/09/2014
Holder: Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab)
Description: the demo and poster introduced at the booth proposed two complementary works for the parallel study of classical languages and modern translations to make students and teachers understand the value of multilingualism and multiculturalism, highlighting how the imperfect correspondences between languages make the original words and texts irreducible with respect to their translations.
Organization: Pisa CNR Research Area
Organizations Involved
Association for Digital Humanities and Culture (AIUCD);
Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN);
Italian Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN-IT);
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital and Public Textual Scholarship (DiPText-KC);
National Research Council of Italy (CNR);
National Research Council of Italy – Institute of Biophysics (CNR-IBF);
National Research Council of Italy – Institute for Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli” (CNR-ILC);
National Research Council of Italy – Research Area of Pisa (Pisa CNR Research Area);
European Cooperation in Science and Technology – Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation (Multi3Generation COST Action);
University of L’Aquila – Department of Human Sciences (UniAQ-DSU);
University of Bergamo (UniBG);
University of Bologna (UniBO);
University of Milan (UniMI);
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UniMORE);
University of Pisa – Laboratory of Digital Culture (UniPI-LABCD);
University of Pisa – Laboratory of Anthropology of the Ancient World (UniPI-LAMA);
University of Pisa – Degree Course in Digital Humanities (UniPI-Uma);
University of Udine (UniUD); Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice (UniVE);
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Department of Humanities (UniVE-DSU);
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Department of Humanities – Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities (UniVE-DSU-VeDPH);
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies (UniVE-SLCC)
University of Verona (UniVR);
University of Verona – Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (UniVR-DLLS).