A large delegation from CNR-ILC and CoPhiLab participated in IEEE CiSt’23 – 7th IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology, held in Agadir-Essaouira (Morocco) from 16 to 22 December 2023 and divided into eight Conferences.
Riccardo Del Gratta (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) was a Member of IEEE CiSt’23 Program Committee.
Vito Pirrelli (CNR-ILC) co-chaired MNLP – IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
Ouafae Nahli (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) co-chaired DPWH – IEEE Conference on Digital Preservation and Processing Technology of Written Heritage.
On Monday 18 Simonetta Montemagni (CNR-ILC Director) held a Keynote Talk entitled Computational Linguistics and Humanities: a Renewed Synergy.
Between Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 five contributions involving CNR-ILC and CoPhiLab were introduced:
Advancing Dialectal Analysis: Annotating Corpora and Building Lexical Resources for Arabic Dialects by Nadia Khlif (University Mohammed I of Morocco and CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Ouafae Nahli (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Elisa Gugliotta (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Giulia Benotto (CNR-ILC) [18/12/2023];
On the Role of Models and Modularity in the Design and Development of Digital Humanities Tools by Simone Zenzaro (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) [18/12/2023];
Document Analysis and Philological Operations. is Category Theory a Suitable Approach? by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Riccardo Del Gratta (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Simone Zenzaro (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) [19/12/2023];
GreekSchools: Making Traditional Papyrology Machine Actionable Through Domain-Driven Design by Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Simone Zenzaro (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab) and Graziano Ranocchia (UniPI) [19/12/2023];
Bellini Digital Correspondence: A Model for Making Collaborative Digital Scholarly Editions by Salvatore Cristofaro (UniCT-ISTC), Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab), Laura Mazzagufo (UniPI), Pietro Sichera (Ministero Istruzione e Merito) and Daria Spampinato (CNR-ISTC) [19/12/2023].